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osb저축중도금 대출 사유전세대출 원리 스타벅스대출 dti한식뷔페 주부재택알바 30대 40대 주부부업 집에서 부업거리 대출 상환 이자 대출 means대출 구비서류소액부동산투자 재택부업 재테크 방법 여름패션 동안피부 중구처맛집 라이브재테크소액재테크종류 재택부업,자택부업 영동콜걸 독산역타이마사지 석수역콜걸 범계역출장샵 정릉동마사지 소개팅 커피숍 달전리마사지 영광읍출장대행 좋아하고 좋아해서 2화 온수동타이마사지 신창역번개만남 계남면소개팅 언스위트 쿠로세 카츠코 서면마사지 중리동마사지 남편외도 흥신소 남의스마트폰몰래엿보는도청어플 스마트폰해킹해드립니다 남편감시 선팔해용 몰래사진찍기 소주한잔 핸드폰 도청 북촌한옥마을 핸드폰도청장치 맞팔그램 사용법및스파이앱다운로드 골든리트리버 해운대


Mt. Fuji climbing by JAC

페이지 정보

작성자 UAAA 댓글 0 조회 3,623회 작성일 15-03-09 23:53


Dear all members

Taking the opportunity of the year of the UAAA 20th anniversary, the JAC Overseas Committee in association with the JMA would like to invite you to a Mt Fuji climb in the snow in the 2015 spring season.

President of UAAA would like to say thanks to the organizers, JAC & JMA on behalf of UAAA.

Please review all the details as attached file.


The cost would be about US$ 500- for a three day tour from Tokyo to Tokyo (including two nights' stay in the hotel at the foot of the mountain and transport to and from Tokyo).

The planned dates are from  May 31 (Sun) to June 2 (Tues) 2015.

The tour itinerary would be

May 30: meet at the hotel in Tokyo.

( We could book a room for you in Tokyo but the accommodation should be paid

by the participants themselves )

May 31: Move to the hotel at the foot of Mt Fuji.

June 1: Climb to the peak and back to the hotel

June 2: Reserve day—

If we manage to finish the climb on June 1st , we would organize a trip around the foot of the mountain on day three. There are beautiful and interesting spots in the foothills.

At the moment we are thinking that the capacity should be 10 people.

The deadline for applications is April 25th. The cost is US$ 500-.

Anyone wishing to join the tour should be capable of winter climbing and should bring their own equipment. You need to bring crampons, an ice axe and other winter climbing equipment for the climb. There is no need for a sleeping bag or food, except for your favorite snacks and drinks which you may eat during the climb. You could buy snacks in Tokyo or in stores around the hotel where you would stay.


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