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facility 대출 직장인알바 재택근무 학자금 대출 한도 재테크 컨설팅 재택근무 직업 잘 골라서 편하게 일하는 중 부업사이트 kakao 재테크 직장인알바 ok저축은행 대출 자격 피부진정 데이트 재택부업,자택부업 100일상 봄신상 창녕읍마사지 화치동채팅 상소동번개만남 노원동채팅 가산면채팅 화정역맛사지 대합면채팅 무료웹툰 저전동채팅 서대문역만남후기 함양읍만남후기 인천논현역출장대행 초당역채팅 개정면출장샵 만송동콜걸 소주한잔 핸드폰화면감시 실시간카메라정면 도청앱 핸드폰화면감시 스마트폰도청 핸드폰 복제 복제폰 삼척맛집 직장인스타그램 카카오톡해킹 모든문자확인및복구 제주맘 얼집등원 핸드폰도청 맞팔그램


11th Piolet D'Or Asia Awards 2016

페이지 정보

작성자 UAAA 댓글 0 조회 2,618회 작성일 16-09-03 00:01


11th Piolet D'or Asia Awards & 9th Golden Climbing Shoe Awards

Lifetime Awards(Achievement Awards)

The Piolets d’Or Asia Award, whose purpose of establishment is to encourage and inspirit Asian mountaineers who achieved pure and visionary ascents, will celebrate its 11th anniversary at aT Center, Seoul, Korea on 4th November this year. This award, known as Oscar Award of Alpinism, has been leading the development of Asian mountaineering culture for the last 10 years, and suggested the direction of future-oriented climbing to Asian mountaineers. In other words, it emphasized light weight-speed climbing by alpine style, commitment of face climbing with high technical level, and purity of primary alpinism respecting for the mountains. It announced that the accomplishments with help by oxygen, artificial aids, fixed ropes, sherpas should not surpass the progress itself, and also warned against any commercial activities and destructive climbing styles. The committee of Piolets D’or Asia is going to receive the recommendation of nominees by the UAAA members until 23rd September.

Date: 4th(Fri.) of November, 2016

Place: aT Center, Seoul, Korea

Contact: dsk8848@naver.com


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